Nestled at the end of the Jurong West district, our clinic started out in Pioneer Mall after her founder, Dr Chua Kok Keong “returned home” to establish a family clinic in the western part of Singapore. He had served the residents there faithfully for about 10 years before he was called to start a new clinic in the west coast area.
After fulfilling his duties there, he returned to the “fold of Jurong West” and established the present clinic. In the eight years that followed, the clinic has built up a faithful clientele of young and old, warmed by the family ambience and faithful services of the resident doctors and nurses.
It has always been in his heart to serve the patients here personally and holistically. Here in the clinic, the concept of a one-stop, complete and personalized medical care was born. Patients are seen across all age groups and their medical concerns are addressed on the spot as much as possible. Those who may require specialist care are carefully referred to a team of esteemed partners in the tertiary care centres for their expert opinions and follow on care.
Our team of nurses are also experienced in the daily care of patients and assist the doctors in the tasks of wound dressing, health screening, performing nebulizing, and comforting our patients daily.
Many of the patients have referred others and by their word of mouth, the clinic has grown over the years. Many of them have come to view the doctors and nurses here as family and have grown up together with them.